Jacob and Nick and I are now living with Jacob's sister, Jessica, in a great 3 bedroom apartment literally across the street from Sac State. Thank you low-income housing! The place has worked out great for us so far; it has very open and welcoming grounds and is very family-friendly. Jacob has been busy with his first semester in the Sac State teaching credential program, working as a substitute teacher when he can, and working 4-8 hours at ToysRUs on Saturdays, to bring in the big bucks ;)(Every little bit counts!)You would think it would be a great money-saver, living across the street from Sac State, so Jake could walk to his classes. It is, for the classes he has on campus, which is just 2. Most of his classes actually meet in Elk Grove at Kerr Middle School, so he is commuting anyway. But it all works out alright.
I have been busy at home with the little guy. It is such a blessing for our family that I am able to stay home right now! This is my dream job; there is nothing better than being a mother. Lately I have been into jogging with my BOB stroller, working out with my new Yoga DVD, and doing a bit of sewing.
Nick has been busy, busy busy!!! He is crawling everywhere and pulling up on anything he can. He is very curious about everything around him, and he can get pretty upset when he can't get what he wants. He knows what "no, no" means, and he doesn't like it. Yesterday he waved at me for the first time! He was playing in his crib, being all cute, and he looks at me over the top bar with a sly grin on his face, and gives a little wave. It looked more like he was grabbing the air, but I knew what he meant. It is crazy how quickly he learns. He will be 9 months on the 16th.
Jacob is always saying our home is a boy's club, and it's true. Nick LOVES his daddy!
He also loves what his daddy loves.
Nick also loves going for walks/jogs, going on the swing, and playing with his toys.
And by "playing" with his toys, I mean eating his toys and using his feet like a monkey!
Signing out for now...