Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A New Addition!

Pierce baby #2 is on the way! I'm 10 weeks, due around April 9th. I'm feeling a girl vibe, but we'll find out for sure near Thanksgiving.

Nick has mixed emotions about the baby on the way...

He's happy...

And sad...

And scared...

And crazy excited!

In other news, I may have fractured a rib from all the coughing I've been doing for the past month. I'll go in for an X-ray this week to see for sure. Lets hope the medicines I was given do help to clear this cough up! I haven't been able to sub because of it, so it's been nice to spend more time with my boy at home, but I do look forward to being well enough to work some.

But in all, we feel so blessed with everything that has happened lately. We found out I was pregnant two days before Jacob got his new job. So now we have a great benefits package that just started up this month. I was finally able to be seen for this annoying cough as well as for the first prenatal check-up. The timing has worked out well!