Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Waiting Game...

Well I thought this baby would have been out long before now... this waiting game is no fun! Oh well, I guess once he's out there's no going back right? I'm 40 weeks 3 days or so. Nick was 6 days late, but this time around the Doc has been saying since 38 weeks that he'll be here any day now! Next time we'll just add a week to the due date and have that be what we plan for ;)

But we have been having a great spring of 2012 so far. We had a lot of family in town over spring break and I got to be a part of everything that was going on. I had a lot of my family in town the weekend before Spring break, sadly because of my cousin, Josh's, funeral. That was rough, but it was really nice to reconnect with a lot of family I hadn't seen... in some cases it had been many years.

I have a new step-mom! My Dad and Tessa got married on the 31st of March :) I got to be there and help out a little bit for that as well. I was unsure if I was going to be able to make it because I thought I might be going into labor soon...but alas nothing came of that. I'm glad though; I really would not have wanted to miss that.

And I got to go to the Temple a couple times for my Sister-in-Law, Jessica's, endowment and Sealing! Super glad I got to be a part of those, and I also made it to her reception. My mother-in-law did an amazing job getting everything ready for her reception! And Jessica was so beautiful in her dress. I love weddings :) Her colors were purple, green, black and white- It was a very elegant with delicious food and lots of fun. Nick had a blast dancing with all the teenagers :) I danced for a bit (in an attempt to get this baby out of me!) but it was so awkward. Kind of felt like my entire belly was about to drop off of me! But it was fun, fun, fun.

Other than that, Jacob got to enjoy his Spring Break and Nick loved having his favorite play-mate home each day.

I am super anxious to have this baby out but I can't help but be glad we've been able to have more time with just the three of us, before we make this big transition. Lots of things at once- Jessica moved out and got married (Nick has always had his Auntie living with him), Nick moved into her old room (he was unsure of the change at first but is doing fine now), and soon a new baby brother for Nick. Oh and potty-training. It's been an uphill battle with Nick (as many things seem to be for him) but we're slowly but surely making progress. Hopefully having a new baby won't put us back too far in that arena.

And... here are some pics.

All my sisters- Rachel (new sis), Rachelle, me, Chelsea, Emily, Krista.

Dad and Tessa

The whole group, minus one brother and a new step-brother.

Our trip to the Zoo- Nick and Angela with their yummy ice creams.

Eating lunch- it was the perfect day for the Zoo.

"We are a happy family!"

The happy couple :)

Nick getting his groove on :)

My 40 week shot.

We are very blessed. I'll update again once our little guy has decided to join us.