My birthday was earlier this month- the big 23! Jacob and I celebrated by going to Tucanos for lunch with my fancy free meal from the birthday club (LOVE it!).
On our way to Tucanos.
Then that weekend we went out to Cafe Rio with Brady and Val and had a get together with cake, ice cream, and Apples to Apples. We are so proud that we were able to fit 11 people in our front room! We did a little rearranging, and I don't think we could have fit one more person in here, but it worked.
Jacob bought me a copy of New Moon for my bday, and I couldn't get enough of it... again. While I should have been studying, I spent two days reading ;) I must say that reading it through the second time I liked it a lot better, and I'm kinda more rooting for Jacob than Edward (yeah, I know how it ends, I've read the books, but I like Jacob a lot more now). We got the Twilight movie the weekend it came out. I've seen it twice, and I really do like it. Although if I hadn't read the books already I don't think I would be that into it; I fill in a lot from the book. Those of you who have read other books-made-into-movies understand this. But this is actually the first time I have read a book-made-movie before it was a movie. Maybe I should have done a separate Twilight post...
Our little guy is moving all around in there! He gets stronger every day, and it's amazing to get to feel him all the time. Jacob is able to feel him a lot more now, and see him! I think it's crazy that sometimes I can see movements he makes, but not feel them. And recently he has been tickling me :) Yes, I am a ticklish person, but I don't think I've ever felt something like my uterus being tickled on the inside ;0 I can't believe how attached I already am to him. I can't wait to finally have him with us for good.
Signing out...